Sunday, March 31, 2013


A wave is a vibration that travels through a distance which increases along a medium.

Types of Wave
  • Mechanical Wave
    • A wave that needs a medium in order to propagate is known as a mechanical wave.
    • Example: Ocean wave

  • Electromagnetic Wave
    • An electromagnetic wave is a wave that does not need a medium or any media to propagate.
    • Example: Microwave radiation
Elements of a Wave
  • Transverse Wave
    • A transverse wave is always in the form of a peak.
  • Longitudinal Wave
    • A longitudinal wave consist of a compression-expansion pattern throughout the wave.
  • The distance of one wave

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Frequency, Period and Amplitude

The number of vibrations an object executes in one second is known as frequency. Hertz (Hz) is used as the unit of measurement for this phenomenon. The formula to this scientific meaning is F = n/t. *= vibration , t = time*

If a pendulum performs 360 swings in 2 minutes, what is the frequency?
F = n/t
F = 360/120
F = 3 Hz

The time it takes an object to accomplish one vibration is called period. The formula to find the period is T = t/n or T = 1/f. *t = time , n = vibration*

What is the period if an object performs 60 vibrations in 30 seconds?
T = t/n
T = 30/60
T = 0.5 seconds

The amplitude of an object is the farthest position from its balance position. Therefore, the formula to calculate amplitude is A = d/f. *d = distance , f = frequency*

Sunday, March 10, 2013


What is vibration?
The continuous back and forth movement in which an object imitates is known as vibration.


  • A running motor

  • The strumming of guitar strings        
  • A car traveling over a rough path
  • A pendulum

Pendulum as an Example

  • 1

  • 1 1/2

  • 2

  • 2 1/4

  • 2 3/4